The competing floating wind concepts rely on the classical offshore foundations as used in the oil & gas. In oil & gas industry, foundations were produced on a case-by-case basis and they were designed to support a large deck structure. This led to complex structures that were never intended to be produced in series. The wind industry has only need to support a single tower and requires a large number of identical units. It is therefore desired to reduce costs by implementing series production and to simplify the design.
There is need for simple and series producible “monopile type” floating foundation.
When the offshore wind kicked off in the early zeros, strangely enough the foundations for bottom fixed offshore wind (Monopiles) did not rely on the well-known offshore technology (Jackets). And even today, jackets form only a small portion of the total amount of wind foundations.
Why is that?
Monopiles are simple and robust, and allow mass production and therefore they are generally preferred over jackets.